Overseas Placement Assistance

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Overseas Placement Assistance

We provide comprehensive assistance to individuals seeking employment opportunities abroad. From resume building and interview preparation to visa processing and relocation support, we help our clients navigate the complexities of international job markets with confidence.

Gateway to Global Opportunities

Are you a skilled nursing, mechatronics, or electronics professional seeking to take your career to new heights internationally? Look no further! At Accel Skill Edutech Pvt. Ltd., we provide comprehensive overseas placement assistance for professionals in Nursing, Hospitality, mechatronic engineers, and electronic technicians.

Industries We Serve:


Whether you're a registered nurse, nurse practitioner, or nurse manager, we connect you with reputable healthcare institutions worldwide that value your expertise and dedication to patient care.


knows no boundaries! From international hotel chains to restaurants, immerse yourself in hospitality and tourism while delivering exceptional guest experiences.


From robotics and automation to advanced manufacturing, our placement services cater to mechatronic engineers and technicians seeking exciting opportunities in industries at the forefront of technological innovation.


Whether your expertise lies in electronic design, maintenance, or troubleshooting, we match you with employers in sectors such as telecommunications, aerospace, and consumer electronics, where your skills are in high demand.

Embark on Your Global Career Journey Today!

Don't let geographical boundaries limit your career potential. Join the ranks of skilled professionals who have successfully transitioned to rewarding overseas careers with the assistance of Accel Skill Contact us today to explore the endless possibilities awaiting you in nursing, mechatronic, and electronic professions around the globe!

Get in touch for any kind of help and informations

We’re glad to discuss your  situation. So please contact us via the details below, or enter your request.

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    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)
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