
Our Partners

We Skill Care

We Care’ Skill Solutions is an Imphal based organisation imparting vocational training to the youth since 2017. In the past six years, the organisation has trained over 3000 locals of which approximately 1000 youth are gainfully employed.

We Skill Care
Global Management School

The Institute of Real Estate and Finance – Global Management School is a premier institution specializing in real estate, construction, and finance management. Recognized by the Government of India, the institute boasts over a decade of expertise and a vast network of successful alumni worldwide. Its globally recognized certifications, supported by industry leaders, provide students with cutting-edge knowledge and practical experience. With state-of-the-art online infrastructure and continuously updated curricula, the institute equips future leaders to excel in their careers. Join the Institute of Real Estate and Finance to experience world-class education and become a global leader in the real estate and finance sectors.


Aspire is dedicated to empowering professional degree aspirants with top-tier admissions counseling. We provide expert guidance to help aspirants select the right colleges for their professional degrees, ensuring informed decisions. Our experienced counselors offer personalized advice tailored to the aspirations and academic background of the individual aspirant.

Beyond admissions counseling, Aspire fosters a trusted community of aspirants, students, and alumni from leading colleges in India. This network enables the members to connect, share experiences, and support each other in their educational and professional journeys. By joining the Aspire Community, one can gain access to valuable knowledge and resources.

Additionally, Aspire offers mentorship & guidance from seasoned professionals with proven corporate experience. Our mentors are committed to answering an individual’s questions, offering insights, and sharing expertise to help them achieve their goals. Whether one needs advice on career planning, skill development, or industry trends, Aspire’s mentors are here to support.


Invest4Edu is India’s first digital platform dedicated to comprehensive education planning. Their mission is to empower individuals to achieve their educational goals through tailored investment services and career-building support. With decades of expertise in financial, educational, and technical fields, their team has experience from top Indian organizations and global MNCs. Invest4Edu offers solutions for career counseling, college selection, education savings, and financing, addressing both anticipated and unanticipated educational expenses. As a one-stop shop, Invest4Edu blends global and local knowledge to ensure every student can realize their full potential.

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