Refund Policy

At Accel Skill, we prioritize the satisfaction and welfare of our candidates. We understand that circumstances may arise where a refund becomes necessary, and we are committed to ensuring a transparent and equitable process for all parties involved. Our refund policy is designed to provide clear guidelines and procedures for requesting refunds for our programs.

Our aim is to maintain fairness and consistency while addressing refund requests, taking into account the unique circumstances of each situation. By establishing this refund policy, we seek to foster trust and confidence in our services, reaffirming our commitment to delivering value and excellence to our candidates.

We encourage all candidates to familiarize themselves with the terms and conditions outlined in this policy to facilitate a smooth and efficient refund process. Should you have any questions or require further clarification regarding refunds, our dedicated customer support team is readily available to assist you.

  1. Enrollment Process: The enrollment process commences with the submission of a registration fee along with the necessary documents on our website. Please note that amounts regarding the enrollment procedure, including the registration fees, are excluded from this policy.
  1. Non-Appearance for Interview: In cases where a candidate fails to appear for the scheduled interview without prior notice, the registration fee paid is non-refundable.
  1. Refunds for Rejected Candidates: If a candidate is rejected during the interview process conducted by Accel Skill, the full amount paid as part of the registration fee will be refunded within 15 days. However, it is important to note that refunds are subject to the company’s discretion and any decision made in this regard shall be final.
  1. Installment Payments: Any installment payments of Fees made by the candidate are non-refundable, regardless of the circumstances.
  1. Learning Period: During the learning period, candidates retain the option to cancel their enrollment in the program; however, it is expressly understood and agreed that refunds shall not be granted for cancellations made during this period.

Accel Skill, retains full discretion to determine refund eligibility based on individual cases and prevailing circumstances. It is explicitly understood that the decision-making process concerning refunds shall be solely at the discretion of the Accel Skill, and any determinations made therein shall be considered final.

In exercising its discretion, the Accel Skill may consider various factors, including but not limited to, the candidate’s conduct throughout the enrollment process, adherence to the terms and conditions stipulated by the Accel Skill, and the overall suitability of the candidate for the program in question. The Accel Skill reserves the right to weigh these factors and any other relevant considerations deemed pertinent in its sole judgment.

Timelines for Refund

In the event of rejection during the interview process conducted by Accel Skill, refunds for rejected candidates will be diligently processed within 15 days from the date of formal notification of rejection. Any unforeseen delays in the refund process will be promptly communicated to the candidate via electronic mail (email). However, it is important to note that refunds are subject to the company’s discretion and any decision made in this regard shall be final.

It is expressly understood that any communication regarding refund status or related matters will be conveyed to the candidate’s provided email address. The candidate hereby acknowledges and accepts the responsibility to maintain an accurate and regularly monitored email account for correspondence from Accel Skill.

Legal Disclaimer

This refund policy is presented in accordance with the prevailing legal standards and industry practices governing refund and cancellation procedures. By engaging with the services provided by Accel Skill, Candidates expressly acknowledge and consent to adhere to the terms and conditions delineated within this policy. It is imperative that Candidates fully comprehend and accept the discretionary nature of refund determinations made by the Company, understanding that such decisions are not subject to challenge or dispute.

Dispute Resolution Mechanism

In the event of a dispute arising concerning refund eligibility or the processing thereof, Candidates are strongly encouraged to engage with Accel Skill’s dedicated customer support team for resolution. Accel Skill reaffirms its commitment to addressing such concerns in a timely, equitable, and judicious manner. Upon receipt of a dispute, the customer support team shall conduct a thorough review of the circumstances surrounding the refund request, considering all relevant factors and documentation provided by the candidate.

Legal Safeguards and Recourse

Candidates are assured that all interactions pertaining to refund disputes shall be conducted in accordance with applicable laws and regulations governing consumer rights and contractual agreements. Accel Skill pledges to uphold the principles of fairness, transparency, and accountability throughout the dispute resolution process. Should a candidate seek further legal recourse beyond the internal dispute resolution mechanism provided by Accel Skill, they reserve the right to pursue remedies available under the applicable legal framework.

Confidentiality and Privacy

Accel Skill is committed to safeguarding the confidentiality and privacy of all parties involved in refund disputes. Information shared during the dispute resolution process shall be handled with utmost discretion and used solely for the purpose of resolving the dispute effectively. Candidates can trust that their sensitive information will be protected in accordance with stringent data protection protocols and industry best practices.

Continuous Improvement and Feedback

Accel Skill views feedback from Candidates regarding the refund process as invaluable for enhancing service delivery and fostering trust and satisfaction among stakeholders. As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, candidates are encouraged to provide feedback on their experience with the refund process, thereby contributing to the refinement of policies and procedures to better serve the needs of our valued clientele.

The provision of this refund policy by the Accel Skill adheres to established industry norms and prevailing legal regulations governing the procedures related to refunds and cancellations. By availing oneself of the services rendered by Accel Skill, candidates explicitly acknowledge and consent to abiding by the stipulations delineated within this policy. It is incumbent upon Candidates to familiarize themselves with the terms and conditions articulated herein and to adhere to the same throughout the duration of their engagement with the Accel Skill’s services.

Prepared by Legaverse for Accel Skill Edutech Private Limited

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